Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Physical tests: Weeks 5-9

As referred in the earlier posts, we have decided to split the group in two, in order to work more efficiently. We have also decided that each group will write their own blog posts from this moment on.

Just to summarize a couple of general things regarding the whole group, during this spring we have so far for example filmed a pitching video and participated the poster workshop. Today, we also had a meeting with another member from Renotech in addition to our PO, and he is going to help us with the project from now on as well.

The physical tests we started on Friday (on week 5) by sieving and separation of the batches. At the end of the day the separated particles were put into an incubator to get rid of the moisture. After the incubator, the particles were put into an exsiccator.

From Thursday to Friday (on week 6) we conducted a water absorption test. On Thursday, the granulates from each badge were measured into decanters with RO-water in them. Decanters were covered with parafilm to protect the samples from external factors and to control water evaporation. On Friday, after the granulates had been soaked for 24 hours, the water was sieved out and the granulates were weighed.

On Friday (on week 7) we executed the true density test by weighing the granulates from each badge, and then crushing them to powders. Powders were then weighed again into measuring glasses, and RO-water was added to each glass to determinate the densities.

Today, after the skiing holiday, we continued with the bulk density test. Granulates from each badge were added into measuring glasses with RO-water in them, and the volumes were determined. After that, the bulk densities were calculated according to relevant formula.

The physical tests will continue in March.

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