Wednesday, 24 April 2019


We had made a poster draft in week 13 that was alright, although it had a lot of written content and not so much visualization. When we showed it to our tutor teacher he told us It would be better if it were more visual than informative. We decided to do more of an advertisement poster and have the technical content on a slide show for the showroom. So we re-did the whole poster. 
We used an online design tool that was easy to use since it had plenty of templates. However, we were pretty picky with where to have the text and logos and the program did not co-operate very well with our special wishes. After many hours of battling with it we managed to get a really good looking poster that I think we all are proud of.  

Sadly the poster was not everything we needed for the showroom. We had to make a slide show of our test results, buy candy for the table, prepare gravel samples for the showroom visitor to look at and finalize the pitch. Luckily we had a pretty good pitch already, so we only needed updated the information and work a little bit on the structure of the speech. 

The day of the showroom we came early to school to prepare everything. We set up our table in the spot selected for us, installed the monitor and put the candy in a bowl, hung the poster and waited. Jouni presented our project to the jury and he did a phenomenal job. They were very impressed, sadly there were so many good project presentations that we did not win. Our PO also came to have a look and he seemed very satisfied. In all we are very pleased with our showroom presentation, and we hope to keep up the good work until the end of the project. 

Light Crushed Aggregate showroom poster

Week 12 and 13 - The last chemical tests and getting ready for showroom

In week 12 we conducted the last chemical tests. As I mentioned previously, we stumbled into some problems with the test methods and therefore we did some calculations and re-did the tests with new dilutions and standard curves. The test results differed somewhat from the earlier results, however, we can now make conclusions from the tests. We also took microscopic pictures of the gravel, which was a bit frustrating, since the school's camera's battery was empty. But luckily batteries can be re-loaded and after that we managed to get some really cool pictures that i will post on the blog for you to see.

In week 13 we started reporting a little but focused more on the poster since the showroom is coming up in week 16.